Your first visit

Your First Massage

Before your massage, you will need to fill out a medical intake form and discuss with your therapist information about any injuries, accidents, surgeries, medical conditions, and areas of pain that you would like to have addressed. Your personal and medical information is confidential and will remain secure. Please indicate whether or not you have any skin allergies or sensitivities.

In the massage room, you will undress to your level of comfort and lie down in between the sheets of the cozy heated and padded massage table. Your privacy and modesty will be respected, so secure 
draping will be used  at all times. You will most likely start your massage face down with your face in the head rest  and a moist hot pack on your back. The session will start with a leg massage and hot stones on your feet, followed by thorough work on your back and shoulders.  You will then roll over, and the massage will continue with the legs, arms, neck, head and face. If you feel any discomfort at any time, please let your massage therapist know, and the appropriate adjustments will be made to ensure your maximum comfort.

During your massage session, you don't need to worry about anything. Don't think about what happened at work, what's on your grocery list, or what you are going to make for dinner. All you need to do is relax and enjoy being taken care of for an hour. Don't worry  if you fall asleep and snore. (It happens all the time!)

After your massage, you will slowly get up and get dressed, drink some water, and allow yourself  to enjoy feeling relaxed for the rest of the day.


© Copyright 2024 massage for health and wellness Tamara Lair LMP . All rights reserved.